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The Jump-Start You Need To Finally Make Fitness Part Of Your Life!
Now You Too Can Be Part of This Amazing, Life-Changing Programme - Right Here On Your Doorstep in Worthing.
- The 8 Week Warrior Challenge will help you lose fat, build muscle, and feel good in record time and you can apply for a spot right now today. There's no waiting, and only time is stepping between where you are now, and enjoying the results you deserve.
- All of your workouts are done in a small group setting which makes them fun, motivating, challenging AND it keeps the cost of the programme affordable compared to private one-on-one sessions. So you'll get all of the RESULTS you want for a fraction of the price!
- As your coaches we will provide ongoing coaching, motivation and support to ensure you're on track and together we are going to break through any roadblocks we encounter along the way!
- It's time to realise you are worth it... Let’s Bring Out Your Warrior Within… Click The 'Apply Today' Button Now!

Here's What You're Going To Get:
Over The Course of 8 Weeks You'll Get 24 Expertly Coached Sessions at The DOJO - Our Specialised, Private-Members TFW Facility in Worthing.
Here's How It All Works...
After You Have Clicked The Apply Button And Completed Your Application Form Here's What Will Happen Next:
After you have completed your application form we will contact you to discuss your application in the order you completed your form.
- If together, we feel you'll be a good fit for the challenge we will offer you one of the limited spots.
- We will close the doors to the programme once all the places have been taken - no exceptions.
Only 12 serious participants will be chosen for each challenge. This way, we can focus on your goals, give you the attention you need and the level of service to ensure you get you amazing results.
The tuition for the entire 8 Weeks is: £397. This includes your 100% Rock-Solid Guarantee - You Get Results or it's FREE!
When you have completed you 8 Week Warrior Challenge, you will qualify for our full membership programme as a fully fledged WARRIOR!
You Don't Have To Be Great To Start. But You Do Have To START To Be Great!

"If you want to change your fitness level or your outlook on life I totally recommend TFW this comes from someone who is 50 +++ and was at the lowest fitness level of his life and who now feels amazing after just 11 weeks. Oh and also has lost almost 8 kg and 4% body fat!"

"I've Actually Got A Lot More Stomach And A Lot More Grit Than I Assumed I Would Ever Have!"
"I've Been Able To Perform Very Well, And Much Better Than I Ever Thought Would Be Possible Thanks To TFW!"
"This Whole Experience Was Amazing. The Students, The Coaches And The Respect From The Dojo!"